National Recognition for West Hereford Minecraft Church activities.

During the first lockdown, our curate, The Reverend Jo Burden, noticed that many of our children and young people would turn to Minecraft when they were invited to join in an activity related to the service readings and theme.

She decided to develop this with the creation of a service entirely formed by young people using Minecraft. This was used as the Diocesan weekly service in August. You can watch it here: Hereford Diocese

It quickly developed into a monthly Minecraft club where children and young people could join a Minecraft world and discuss a bible story or theme, tell the story through Minecraft creations, and enjoy spending time with one another.

The Church of England national communications team heard about this and decided to publish the following article: Curate takes worship to whole new dimension with childrens services

Well done, Jo, for an inspired idea to engage with our children and young people. We can’t wait to see what they build next!